Monthly Archives: February 2010

Last Day


Last day in Alaska…Five years after we arrived here.  Sounds like a long time, but it went by in the blink of an eye.  So much has happened.  So much I still didn’t get to do.  So much to leave for another time, another day, the future.  Sitting here in a hotel lobby on Valentine’s Day, taking advantage of the free wi-fi while husband packs up his things.  Tomorrow we will be on a plane to New York, our new home state.  He gave me a yellow rose for a new beginning.  Or maybe because the store was all out of red ones.  It doesn’t matter.  He loves me.

I’ll miss Alaska.  I’ll miss the nature found here.  I’ll miss the friends I’ve made.  I’ll miss the -50 temperatures, the northern lights and snow that looks like glitter.

I look forward to a new house, preferably a 140 year old Victorian with a cupola and in-ground pool.  I look forward to exploring upstate New York and going to Maine for my birthday.  This is going to be very interesting…